速報APP / 生活品味 / Family Core

Family Core



檔案大小:34 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.1 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Family Core(圖1)-速報App

We provide a premium service at a very affordable price so all families can benefit from the Family Core. Pricing is straight-forward at a $1.99 per month. Keep your family in sync! The Family Core is a comprehensive family management platform designed to keep daily life organized. Our program improves parenting whether you are a busy nuclear family, co-parenting through divorce, parallel parenting, single parenting or caring for aging parents. We provide a secure and private Chat feature, Geolocation service, and encrypted web-based Data Storage system accessible by app, as well as a task-driven Calendar with color coding assignment. Our software service provides parents and their families with the tools and resources necessary to increase family efficiency & communication while decreasing stress.

Terms of Service and Privacy Policy: https://dashboard.thefamilycore.com/tyc

Family Core(圖2)-速報App

Family Core(圖3)-速報App

Family Core(圖4)-速報App

Family Core(圖5)-速報App

Family Core(圖6)-速報App

Family Core(圖7)-速報App